Hey guys it's Erizu here with another shout out to everyone looking to get noticed. As I have mentioned before I'm gonna start making new channels on my YouTube account for specific work areas in different categories from video games to music, art to animated videos. So if you haven't submit something you are confident that will make the spot then now is the time. All submissions will be accepted before March 25 where there after they will be reviewed one by one. You will need to to include the following for feedback and placement in our channels:
- What you are submitting
- What the name of your submission is
- A short description of your submission
- Your name along side your submission's name
- A link or file attachment of your submission for use in our channels
- What you are looking to accomplish with your submission [ This will help us determine how to help you get noticed]
As much as we love to see what creative stuff people have to share we can't have some of the following show up in our channel:
- Pornography/ Sexual Behavior/ Nudity - Anything out there is art, even pornography but for the sake of our viewers we can not allow any of these submissions as it breaks YouTubes Terms of Agreements
- Racism, Cultural Ethnics, Religion - This can be a huge problem for everyone and it's something we can not allow in any of your submissions. As Martin Luther King Jr. said " We need to act as equals, we need to act as one"
Submissions should be send as an email to this address here: submitentertainment7@gmail.com
Expect feedback within 1-2 days time.
We hope to see some amazing stuff you guys have for us and our channels. Also stick around for a new song coming out tomorrow afternoon. See you around ^.^