So Terrible news guys. It seems that we have had a tragic event happening around the world. The shooting of a Colorado gay nightclub which involved the killing of what I believe 50 and 53 injured. Me being a lesbian makes me feel tortured to know that people can't accept LGBT the way they are. It's a sad time and I pray for those who have suffered the loss of their loved ones and that the injured continue to live on.
In other news which is also terrible I am typing from my wireless keyboard and mouse. Yeah apparently my mouse kinda did a die and it's currently not working so I need a new one. I'm trying so hard to work with this keyboard to use Fruity Loops but it's a hassle. Nevertheless almost done with my song. After I get my new mouse I'll start uploading it on here.
And in other, other news. I'm trying to see if I can put my guitar parts on here. It's not working so well. Maybe I should have checked out some videos to see how I can do this but I'm gonna lay back and finish up on some things first.
Tech <3